Our Expertise

Helping You Obtain Faster Planning & Building Approvals

& Feasibility


  • Looking to find that perfect site?
  • Can you operate your business to its full potential?
  • Need to get extra value from your property investment portfolio?

We provide cost effective, timely and reliable advice in simple language you can understand.

Getting a clearer picture of the complexity of government controls, ensures you can confidently make decisions to move forward with your investment.

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Exempt Development


  • What can you build without Council approval?

We provide you the necessary advice to determine what elements of your project can be built straight away. Saving you time and money!

Development Without


Education Facilities, Transport & Infrastructure

The ‘Development without Consent’ pathway allows Schools, Universities, State Government Agencies and Utility Providers to assess and determine their own planning applications.

We can assist in preparing the necessary Review of Environmental Factors report and putting in place the necessary procedures to ensure compliance with legislation is adhered to.

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Complying Development Certificate (CDC) Advice


This is our niche. We explore all options and give you the necessary design advice to proceed through to a quicker CDC approval pathway. We have built a strong reputation with certifiers in providing detailed Complying Development Certificate Planning Compliance Reports. It gives Certifiers clarity and confidence to approve and support your application.

What can you build without Council approval?

  • Industrial – New buildings, alterations and additions.
  • Commercial – New buildings, alterations and additions.
  • Medium Density Residential – Dual occupancy, manor home, townhouses.
  • Strata Apartments – alterations, additions and rectification works.
  • Restaurant and café – Use and fitout.
  • Retail shops – Use and fitout.
  • Shopping Centre – Tenancy reconfigurations and alterations.

Planning Reports


We prepare specialised urban, environmental and social planning reports for Council and government agency assessment.

Our aim is to provide clear factual reports that make it easier for council’s and government staff to review. Assisting Council and government staff ensure no time is wasted through the unnecessary Request for Information (RFI’s).

We are able to provide the following reports:

  • Statement of Environmental Effects.
  • Environmental Impact Statement.
  • Clause 4.6 Variation Request Statements.
  • Liquor Licence Premise Plan of Management.
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